
V-CUBE™ 5 is a 5x5x5 multicolored, five-layered smooth rotation cube

Hard Rock!
The best 5x5x5

Available in the flat shape design and our unique “pillow” shape, inspired by the original V-CUBE™7!
Both designs have the same revolutionary V-CUBE™ internal mechanism!

V-CUBE™5 is the sturdiest five-layered cube available in the market.

You’ll enjoy improving your concentration and skills. It is a high quality, functional puzzle game with a focus on enhancing your probelm solving abilities for an exciting game!
V-CUBE™ 5 has 1.83*1074 possible permutations and weighs 200gr!
The V-CUBE™5 consists of 98 cubies and a solid-cross for supporting their independent rotation on based axes.

1.83*1019 possible permutations

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