
Meet Daniel Megison, V-Fan from Dallas, Texas, an awesome extreme sports fanatic

We’re happy to introduce Daniel as V-Cube’s new Brand Ambassador. Daniel is a ‘serious’ V-Cuber who likes the excitement of the moment. He likes trekking, climbing, diving and wingsuit flying. Like all ‘V’ fans, he aims high to meet new challenges.

V-Fan Daniel Megison introduces his  extreme sports partnership with V-Cube
V-Fan Daniel Megison introduces his extreme sports partnership with V-Cube

Daniel always wanted to find a way to combine his passions for V-cubing and extreme sports. His story could be your story. He’s a fan who entered V-Cube’s Facebook Competition and kept in touch with V-Cube sharing his dreams of a relationship based on mutual goodwill.
V-Cube is backing Daniel in wingsuit flying because we believe in supporting our fans to reach their highest aims.

V-Fan Daniel Megison introduces his  extreme sports partnership with V-Cube
V-Fan Daniel Megison introduces his extreme sports partnership with V-Cube

American Revolution Boogie 2016

June 1-4, ‘V’ WILL TAKE FLIGHT with Daniel, wearing his specially-designed V-Cube wingsuit, at the American Revolution Boogie Event in Texas, July 1st – 4th. Join the Countdown!!

Daniel Megison wil be wing flying for the FIRST TIME as official V-Cube ambassador wearing his new V-Cube wingsuit.

BE THERE!! 12-2 p.m. at the skydivers' landing area.
On July 4th, V-Cube is sponsoring a ‘Meet & Greet’ with Daniel.
You'll get to talk to him about his passion for V-cubing and extreme sports. Get there early and get in on a fantastic V-Cube giveaway WOW PACKAGE, with awesome, special edition V-Cubes, T-shirts and more!

V-cube at American Revolution Boogie 2016

ALL HAPPENING at the American Revolution Boogie held AT SPACELAND Dallas, Texas (July 1-4).
It’s a super Event for skydivers with formation jumps, freeflying, novelty jumps, fun games and more.
SPACELAND is a 120 acre skydiving center, one of the country’s biggest.
The Event is going to be huge. There’s yoga and warm-up stretches for the guys jumping, gourmet food trucks and awesome fireworks show.

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