
your cube!

Design and Personalize your OWN cube!

CleVer Cubes give you the SPACE TO CREATE!
Create your design using the APP and expect FAST delivery of your customized cube.

Connect to Design & Create your Cube NOW! Demo Demo
V-Cube Classics the clever Cubes


Endless Challenge!

The cleVerCube that’s fun, incredibly challenging and offers endless satisfaction to every user.
11 different, six-colored cubes in flat design and our unique “pillow’ shape.

V-Collections cubes


We’re breaking borders AGAIN!

Fun and challenging designs, unique landscapes, a world of wild life and nature, art and architectural masterpieces, antiquities and travel souvenirs are all included in our initial V-Collections!

Design and Personalize your OWN V-Cube!

Create Your Cube

Think Outside of the Box!

Design your OWN cube.
Amazing for everybody to express their creativity in a personalized cube.
You can expect fast delivery of the customized cube, just as you imagined.

How to Solve the V-Cube 5 - Official Tutorial

The official V-CUBE 5 Tutorial to solve any 5x5x5 Cube.

In this video, we will solve V-Cube 5 with the reduction method, just like the V-Cube 4. Essentially, we make the V-Cube 5 look like a V-Cube 3 to solve it like V-Cube 3. All the information that you need will be in the tutorial. Yet, knowing how to solve 3x3x3 and 4x4x4 cubes is highly advisable.

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