
Insta your personalized V-Cube

NEW!! Create Your Cube Connection!

Show & share your one-of-a-kind, personalized V-Cube with V-Fans worldwide!

Insta it !! and share your photo with the V-Cube World.

It's a great way to connect with V-Fans AND you’ll get a 20% discount on your next purchase.

So, whether you've designed your own V-Cube using Create & Design Your Cube APP or have customized your 'V' on your own, click a photo  and connect'

Here's How to join with the V-Cube World!

Instagram the photo of your personalized V-Cube

Take a photo of your cube on Instagram, write a short description, add hashtags #CreateYourVCube and #VCubes

Tag V.cube.official on your photo, this is V-Cube’s Instagram account where you’ll share your photo, see the photos of V-Fans worldwide.

Info For You To Know
  • Your customized V-Cube can be a new design or a personalized cube you’ve already created.
  • You can send a photo of the V-Cube you’ve designed using the ‘Create Your Cube’ APP
  • You can send a photo of the V-Cube you’ve re-designed on your own
  • Instagram your creative-V-Cube-photo adding
    hashtags #CreateYourVCube #VCubes
    and tap Tag-People V.cube.official on your photo
  • BONUS!! You’ll get a 20% discount on your next purchase
  • After you’ve posted it on Instagram, > "Copy Embed Code" of your Insta-V-cube photo.
    Come back to this page as Login user on your v-cubes.com account.
    Complete the form by pasting the "Copy Embed Code" and send to us.
    Soon you will receive your coupon for 20% discount on your next purchase, by e-mail.
  • We’ll share your photo thru V-Cube Social Media community & site

Tags: Social Media, Competition

Instagram your personalized V-Cube

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