
SUPER Student V-Cube Event in Spain!!

V-Cube Tutorial & Competition

April 16 Saturday

V-Cube, together with our partner Aquamarine Games in Spain and the Dideco Group of retail stores, known for educational and ecologically-oriented products, organized a super fun and educational day for young V-Fans

V-Cube - Asier Cardoso Spanish blind 2014 champion in 3x3x3 and 4x4x4 twisty puzzlesThe event took place on April 16th in one of Dideco’s major stores in Madrid where a tutorial on how to solve the V-Cube 3x3x3 was first on the agenda. The excitement skyrocketed with a cube competition consisting of players in couples trying to solve the cube in the shortest possible time to sudden death.

The event ended with an impressive V-CUBE™ blindfolded solve by the well known cube champions Rodrigo Pueblas, a Computer Engineering student, who achieved the 2015 Spanish blind record in 4x4x4 and 5x5x5 cubes and Asier Cardoso, also a student with 5 double degrees in computer engineering and mathematics, who was the Spanish blind 2014 champion in 3x3x3 and 4x4x4 twisty puzzles.

V-Cube a tutorial on how to solve the V-Cube 3x3x3, Dideco's competition winners went home with trophies

All students were winners receiving a welcoming gift, as well as the great opportunity for a hands’ on learning experience as participants in the V-Cube tutorial.
Of course, the competition winners went home with trophies!!

See the video and catch the mood!!!

Tags: Competition, V-Event

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